Depression, Anxiety or Bipolar?

  This sad, hopeless feeling just can’t go on. It’s affecting your job, your life. It seems like depression. But could it be something more? Many people with depression also experience some degree of anxiety – anxiety that goes beyond the...

Drug blocks light sensors in eye that may trigger migraine attacks.

For many migraine sufferers, bright lights are a surefire way to exacerbate their headaches. And for some night-shift workers, just a stroll through a brightly lit parking lot during the morning commute home can be enough to throw off their body’s daily rhythms...

Are college student hook-ups linked to anxiety and depression?

As narratives of “hook-up” culture take center stage in popular media, behavioral researchers are starting to ask what psychological consequences, if any, may be in store for young adults who engage in casual sex. A new study in The Journal of Sex Research...

Anxiety and re-patterning of Bad Love

 For the anxious person, relationships can be a living hell. Far from the oasis of warm support and connection most of us associate with relationships, the anxious person is caught in a vicious cycle of stress responses that create yet more anxiousness. Want to...