Slow is Good for the Brain sometimes

scienceblog.com Fascinating rhythm: The brain’s ‘slow waves’ New findings clarify where and how...

Why do our Brains Seek Patterns: The History of Anxiety

We’re predisposed, as pattern-seeking mammals, to find “causes” for things we can’t explain.This is why we’re all so riveted by stories of any kind – movies, TV shows, novels, theater. These big brains of ours love explication and resolution. It think it also explains...

How we Really Choose our Mates…Childhood Anxiety remains through Adulthood

We are all unconsciously looking for a particular someone When two people fall in love, something profound is happening that goes far beyond physical attraction, desire for companionship and even similarity of values and interests. There is an activation of an...

How to Handle Your Entrepreneur Anxiety

 | Jessica Stillman  Aug 27, 2012 Practice mindfulness. Developing mindful awareness will mean improved communication and connection with others, like colleagues and customers. A pair of founders offers tips on how to cope with the anxiety and fear that being a...