Published on February 11, 2014 by Paula Davis-Laack, J.D., M.A.P.P. in Pressure Proof

Stress management tools for teens & their parents

The new American Psychological Association Stress in America study, out today, focuses on the stress levels of teens. The survey shows that teens report experiences with stress that follow similar patterns as adults; in fact, during the school year, teen stress is at its highest with teens reporting stress levels higher than reported by adults.

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What’s more troubling is that the survey reveals that teens underestimate the potential impact stress has on their physical and mental well-being. I started to get panic attacks around the age of 15, largely due to the overwhelming amount of schoolwork, advance placement classes, sports, and volunteer activities I was juggling. I have been figuring out how to deal with chronic stress ever since. With stiff competition to get into college, friendships to balance, and home/family issues, many teens take on a lot of pressure without thinking about the short-term and long-term consequences.Read More: