Ever wondered how to ‘train your brain’

Ever wondered how to ‘train your brain’

Biofeedback for the brain, to address a host of neurological ills. Lobe Specialization and Functions: from Getting Started with Neurofeedback (2005) by John N. Demos. Have you ever wondered what the jobs are of the different parts of your brain?  Ever wondered how to...
What is SMR and how does it make you relax?

What is SMR and how does it make you relax?

Sensorimotor rhythm SMR is an EEG frequency band from 12-15 Hz that is associated with an alert, attentive state coupled with calm or silent motor activities. The cat who remains completely still, yet focused the moment before he nabs a mouse makes for a good...

Brain waves are measured in cycles per second, or Herz – NeuroFeedback

Brain Wave Fundamentals Biofeedback for the brain, to address a host of neurological ills. Brain waves are the result of the activity of brain cells.  Brain cells, or Neurons, communicate with other Neurons by chemical and  electrical  activity. The constant...

Neurofeedback improves ADHD and insomnia: PubMed

Neurofeedback in ADHD and insomnia: Vigilance stabilization through sleep spindles and circadian networks. Source Department of Experimental Psychology, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands; Research Institute Brainclinics, Bijleveldsingel 34, 6524 AD...