If anxiety becomes severe it can lead to depression

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You are supposed to feel stress when you feel like you are under threat. It was evolved so that you would have the largest chance of survival when faced with a life-threatening situation.

We all need a little healthy stress in our lives. For example working under a deadline can increase your creativity. However stress can become paralyzing once everything you encounter begins to feel like a threat and this can lead to anxiety.

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We all tend to worry about similar things. According to the American Psychological Association, American Institute of Stress, NY, jobs, health, relationships, money, and sleep deprivation are a few of the top causes of stress.

However once stress turns into anxiety, it’s similar to having a radio in your mind tuned to the station of impending doom. You are no longer able to cope with stress and it begins to control you.

Symptoms of anxiety include:

  • Rumination
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Inner conflict
  • Indecisiveness
  • Nervousness
  • Fatigue
  • Shortness of breath
  • Nightmares

If anxiety becomes severe it can lead to depression. According to Psychology Today, psychologist Michael Yapko states:”A young person is not likely to outgrow anxiety unless treated and taught cognitive skills. But aggressive treatment of the anxiety when it appears can prevent the subsequent development of depression.”

How stress changes the brain

The Limbic System is a complex set of structures in the brain that includes the hypothalamus, the hippocampus, the amygdala, and cingulate cortex. It is the brain’s anxiety ‘switch’.  The Limbic System controls all basic emotions and drives such as: the desire for food, feelings of anger, fear, pain, pleasure and sexual desire.

It also introduces feelings of wanting to be the best, have the most, be special or be liked. When we don’t achieve these things, it is the Limbic System’s job to avoid the pain that is associated with unhappiness. It will repress these negative feelings by encouraging you to repeat pleasurable experiences to overcome unhappiness.

A well functioning limbic system reacts to stress appropriately. However, “once the Limbic System is compromised, it can cause cross wiring of ‘normal’ neuronal circuits in the brain resulting in distorted unconscious reactions, sensory perceptions and protective responses. Eventually this pattern of distorted reaction becomes habitual and can result in a range of neurological, immunological and endocrine system abnormalities,” according to Annie Hopper, founder of the Dynamic Neural Retraining System.

So what does this mean? Stress can change your brain wiring so that you are hardwired to be anxious or depressed.

How to rewire your brain to reduce anxiety and depression

Neurofeedback helps to rewire your brain to work optimally. Neurofeedback lowers certain brainwave frequencies and promotes other healthier frequencies. Brain balance is regained through a number of treatments that repeatedly encourage the rewiring of the Limbic System.

The benefits of Neurofeedback compared to anxiety and depression medications:

  • There are no side effects
  • Many clients report a permanent reduction in their anxiety and depression after a set of sessions without having to return for further treatment
  • Neurofeedback can help a person withdraw from anxiety and depression medications
  • Neurofeedback works for 80% of clients according to Dr. John Grohol, founder & CEO of Psych Central

Contact us today to find out how Neurofeedback can help you reduce anxiety or depression.

Published By Aisha Tejani, April 2014, whyilovelife.ca http://www.linkedin.com/in/aishatejanivancouver @yaishaloveslife