30 Minutes of Neurofeedback replaces 10 hours of Meditation
Nov 21st, 2012 by admin
by Staff of CityHolistic.com
Who doesn’t love the holiday season — the food, the family, the presents, the decorations. But, let’s face it, the delights of the season are as much work as they are reward.
The American Psychological Association completed a study showing that, when it comes to holiday stress, women tend to rely on unhealthy stress-coping behaviors more often than men. One form of stress relief that both men and women relied on was food. Thirty one percent of women and nineteen percent of men in the study managed holiday stress with comfort eating, which can add extra weight and cause even more stress. Stress can have negative effects both physically and psychologically, so it’s important to understand and manage your extra holiday stress in healthy ways.
Stress release during the holidays is as much about planning as it is about reactionary measures. Setting realistic goals is an important step in managing how much stress you will face. The best way to avoid added pressure is to shop early and plan parties early, but another important step is to schedule personal time. This can be as simple as scheduling a hike with your family on a Saturday, scheduling time to read or meditate once a week or even making an appointment with a massage therapist or chiropractor.
Yoga also can be a great resource for stress and anxiety management, and is helpful for your wellbeing no matter your skill level. For more information, check out the City Holistic blog post on finding the right yoga for you. Regardless of your method of relaxation, planning personal time in your schedule can alleviate the perception that you don’t have time to relax.
(Or you can call a local Neuro Therapy provider and replace 10 hours of meditation with one 30 minute session -see www.no-stress-success.com )
Eating well is another important part of giving your body the fuel it needs to cope with the added pressure of the holidays. An article in “Women’s Health” identified vitamin A, vitamin C, thiamin,
riboflavin and protein as necessary nutrients to help your body cope with stress. Drinking plenty of water and eating whole, natural foods — including organic produce, whole grains and legumes — will provide this much-needed support for your body. For healthy, easy dinner recipes, visit the Organic Valley website.
Giving yourself the gift of a less stressful holiday season is an important health decision. Most importantly, taking care of yourself will allow you to take care of those in your life and have the kind of holiday worth celebrating.
What do you do to cope with holiday stress? Share your methods with our readers by commenting on this blog post.